Need your quick caffeine fix? Making an entire pot can be very wasteful and end up costing you a lot of money. By purchasing a single cup coffee maker you can save on the costs and energy needed to keep a pot hot. If you’re the only coffee drinker in your home, then this nifty gadget is a time-saver. It’s also perfect for those who work from home. There are many different single cup coffee makers on the market and you need to determine which one is best for you.
Keurig K75
The Keurig K75 is the ideal single serve coffee maker for the home. A compact device, this machine can also produce tea, hot chocolate and iced drinks in 5 different cup sizes. There are also a number of additional adjustable controls such as the brew temperature.
The Keurig K75 is easy to clean as it has a removable drip tray and the 72 ounce water reservoir is dishwasher safe. It also has an indicator which tells you when you need to descale the device. This increases the longevity of the machine’s lifespan as the element is not worn out by lime scale.
The one touch control panel is easy to use and has a blue backlit LCD display which makes it easy to read. The control panel also has a digital clock for setting the programmes. You can adjust the programmes in the device to suit your brewing needs.
Hamilton Beach 49970
The Hamilton Beach 49970 is a small and easy to use machine. The low cost of this device along with the affordable Melitta pods it uses makes it the best option for the home on a budget. Of course, the low costs are not the only benefit that you get from this one cup coffee machine.
This machine brews a 12 ounce cup and this is not adjustable. There is an easy power switch with a one touch start system. This system can also be used with the automatic shut off.
You do not have to worry about the cleaning of this machine either. The brew basket is dish washer safe which saves you having to wash this part by hand. This is a problem that some consumers have with many other models.
Cuisinart SS-770
The Cuisinart SS-770 is powered by the Keurig which allows it to use the patented K-Cup system. This machine is ideal for the home that has a higher level of hot drink consumption. This fact is displayed in the 80 ounce removable water reservoir which allows you to make multiple cups without having to refill the machine.
With this machine you are able to make 5 different cup sizes and the removable drip tray allows for the filling of large travel cups. The filter is the My K-Cup reusable filter that allows you to use ground coffee of your choice. There are many consumers who prefer this to pods which are generally more expensive and harder to find than ground beans.
The programmes on this device can be set on the LCD screen which comes with a digital clock. The commonly used features of this device are the automatic on and off function as well as the adjustable temperature. There are a number of special programmable features that you can also consider.
One of these features is the rinse cycle that can be used to remove residues from previous cups. This rinse feature will run 4 ounces of hot water through the machine to remove flavours and other residue from previous use.
Hamilton Beach Single Serve Scoop Coffee Maker
A more expensive model from Hamilton Beach is the Single Serve Scoop coffee machine. This machine does not use pods, but rather allows you to use any ground coffee beans of your choice. To get the precise measurements with every brew, the machine comes with 2 metal scoops that you can use.
The dimensions of the machine allow for a regular mug and a travel mug to be used. It is possible for the machine to brew 14 ounces in a minute and a half. The brew will also be hotter than any of the competition.
There are a number of unique features that you can get with this machine. These features include an L-shaped cut rest which can be adjusted to fit any cup size.
There are many advantages to getting a single cup coffee machine. If you are looking at one for your home you have to consider your hot beverage consumption and the type of coffee you are looking to use.
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[…] and pots with a mixture that is one half white distilled vinegar and one half water. Then, turn the coffeemaker on and let several cups run through the system. Then you will want to turn off the system and let it […]